Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative Limited (IFFCO)
IFFCO Sadan, C-1, Distt.Centre, Saket Place, New Delhi-110017
Recruitment of Agriculture Graduate Trainee (AGT) / Accounts Assistant / Accountants
IFFCO is the largest fertiliser manufacturing and marketing cooperative of the world and has joint ventures in India and abroad in Fertiliser, Insurance and Power sectors. IFFCO requires following :
IFFCO Sadan, C-1, Distt.Centre, Saket Place, New Delhi-110017
Recruitment of Agriculture Graduate Trainee (AGT) / Accounts Assistant / Accountants
IFFCO is the largest fertiliser manufacturing and marketing cooperative of the world and has joint ventures in India and abroad in Fertiliser, Insurance and Power sectors. IFFCO requires following :
- Agriculture Graduate Trainee (AGT) : for IFFCO's Field Offices located in various States, Qualification : B.Sc.(Agriculture) / M.Sc. (Agriculture), Age : 28 years as on 01/10/2014, Stipend : Rs. 28000/- p.m. and the AGTs will be absorbed in the regular Pay Scale of Rs. 15000 - 26250.
- Accounts Assistant/Accountant : for IFFCO's Field Offices located in various States, Qualification : CA (Inter)/ICMA (Inter) after B.Com, 3 years experience, Age : 30 years as on 01/10/2014, Pay Scale : Rs. 14500-25500 / 16000-28000
For more information and details along with a link to apply online, please visithttp://
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