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शुक्रवार, 10 अक्टूबर 2014

Recruitment for various posts in Central Coalfields.

Central Coalfields Limited (CCL)
(A Subsidiary of Coal India Limited)
A Miniratna Company, Darbhanga House, Ranchi (Jharkhand)

Special Recruitment Drive for SC/ST/OBC (NCL) 

Central Coalfields Limited, a Mini Ratna Company in energy sector of the country, invites application for filling of the vacancies of following posts in special recruitment drive :

  1. Junior Overman : 94 posts  (OBC-13, SC-17, ST-64)
  2. Mining Sirdar : 238 posts (OBC-38, SC-63, ST-137)
  3. Dy. Surveyor : 15 posts (SC-2, ST-13)
Relaxation in  age to reserved category as per rules.

How to Apply : Apply /online at CCL website from 17/09/2014 to 16/10/2014 only. Take print out and send it through Registered Post/ Speed Post only up to 31/10/2014. 

Kindly visit  for further information and online Application form format.

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